Coaching Services




SpeechSpecialists.Net believes that in order for any lasting change to occur, an individual must undergo five one-hour sessions where a professional coach can critique performance, identify weaknesses, and provide suggestions for improvement. 

  • The first session is very important and provides the foundation for change. It is during this session that the individual and coach identify the areas of improvement. Emphasis on six non-verbal cues.

  • The second and third sessions are dedicated to making sure the changes are implemented. Emphasis on vocal quality and timing.

  • The fourth session is conducted at the venue where the individual is required to deliver his presentation. Emphasis on visual aides, audience control, and Q&A.

  • The last session is dedicated solely to making sure the presentation goes as smoothly as possible. Emphasis on overall effect.

This model works best when the individual has a speech or presentation scheduled after the fifth session. It is not a requirement, however results are maximized using this approach.

Coaching Sessions for Individuals.

  • 5 x 1 hour sessions

  • Usually held at your facility or office

  • Videotaping may be used


Corporate Training

A coach from Speechspecialists.net will come to your facility and will coach/train between 5-30 employees who desire to learn the fundamentals of delivering a good presentation. Half-day sessions consist of 5-10 participants who engage in 4 hours of training. Full-day sessions consist of 10-25 participants lasting an entire 8-hour, workday.

The process works well when the participants have their speech or presentation developed. The process is also accelerated when the participants have a presentation they are scheduled to deliver in the near future. Although Speechspecialists.net provides basic, speech-skill training, participants get more return on their investment when they can bring their visual aides, power-point, written speech or materials they have already used before (Corporate info or Product info) to the training session and use the time to improve their overall performance.

Speechspecialists.net provides excellent instruction and experienced facilitation to insure each participant understands the dynamics of the speaker-audience relationship and learns techniques used in overcoming nervousness, improving delivery, organizing your presentation and controlling your audience. Since Speech is a performance-oriented discipline, the session is very hands-on. Each individual will be asked to participate in exercises that will improve their use of non-verbal cues, verbal abilities and organizational skills. 

Whether you have delivered 1 speech or have given numerous ones, Speechspecialists.net guarantees you will improve and learn something new. Every person or group of people we have worked with before has benefited in some way from our training. The ability to articulate and communicate well is still the number 1 skill sought after by the majority of CEO’s in business today. Let a coach from Speechspecialists.net help you today! 

Full-Day Training Session for Corporations.

  • 16-30 participants

  • 5 – 8 hours in length


Speechspecialists.net believes “the better your presentation, the better your sale.” Bosworth (Solution Selling) Zig Zigler, and many of the other great Sales Gurus would not deny this. In fact, Stanford University, MBA graduate students, at any time throughout their course work, must stand and provide an answer spontaneously in order to graduate from their program. Harvard studies and surveys from CEOs show that communication skills are number 1.

Participants will learn what body behavior is needed to win any selling environment. They will participant in exercises that develop their ability to think-on-their-feet and deliver content smoothly. They will learn how to read audiences, and use both the energy and the proximics of the room to their benefit. They will undergo difficult Q & A sessions and learn the different types of personalities that present potential objections.

Most sales representatives have participated in some type of sales training before. You definitely will gain from our training. Our emphasis is on making your sales presentation more powerful and persuasive.

Full-Day Training Session for Sales Teams

  • 5-20 participants

  • 5 – 8 hours in length


“I had some year-end speeches I delivered and Jeff assisted.”